Uglies Wiki

Ellie Youngblood is Tally's mother and Sol's wife. They live in New Pretty Town.



Main article: Uglies (book)

After Tally's sixteenth birthday comes and goes without her undergoing the Operation, her parents visit her in her dorm. Indignant that the city isn't giving their daughter the Operation, they do their best to comfort her and advise her to do what the Specials want, mentioning that she doesn't want to get on Special Circumstances's bad side.

Later when Tally learns the truth about the pretty procedure she remembers that her parents were always sure of themselves, but also so clueless. They are wise and confident, and at the same time disconnected from whatever ugly, real-life problems Tally had. Tally wonders if that is caused by the pretty brain damage.

David - Shay - Smoke - Scott Westerfeld - Tally - Uglies slang- Uglies (trilogy)